Upcoming Events & Announcements
Meeting Schedule Announcement
- New Meeting
- The Point by Switchpoint - Fairpark Facility is opening a new meeting at their facility on Thursdays @ 7pm starting September 19th.
- The Point - Fairpark Meeting
Thursdays @ 7pm
- The Point - Fairpark Meeting
Murder Mystery Party
UWANA Activites
- Saturday, September 21st @ 5pm
- All Saints Episcopal, 1710 S. Foothill Dr, SLC
- You are cordially invited to attend a murder mystery party:
MURDER ON BAKER STREET - Many characters to choose from, sign up for yours here. First choose, first get.
- Dinner included (Pizza)
- See the official website for costume suggestions, character bios, the game trailer, and more!
- Suggested $5 donation
- For more info, contact Leska at 801-718-0789
- You are cordially invited to attend a murder mystery party:
OUTREACH: The Point Fairpark Facility Meeting
Outreach Committee Meeting Support
- Thursday, September 26th @ 7pm
- The Point - Fairpark Location, 130 N. 2100 West, SLC
- The Outreach Subcommittee will be supporting this new meeting and asks for addicts willing to attend an extra meeting that needs support to join!
- For more info, contact Peter G @ 801-703-3325
Upcoming Service Committee Meeting
Monday, September 23rd
- ◆ New Year's Eve Event Subcommittee @ 6pm
- ↪ Via Zoom Only
- ↪ Really need a Fundraising Chairperson!
- Zoom Meeting ID 874 6364 5920, Password: 1953
- ◆ New Year's Eve Event Subcommittee @ 6pm
Upcoming Service Committee Meetings
Sunday, October 20th
- ◆ Public Relations (PR) & Outreach @ 3pm
- ↪ Via Zoom ONLY, Combined Subcommittee Meeting
- ↪ Committees meeting together to build support
- Zoom ID 880 1639 4332, Passcode 1953
- ◆ Hospitals & Institutions (H&I) @ 4pm
- ↪ HYBRID Meeting, In-Person AND via Zoom
- ↪ Looking for members willing to facilitate or speak at H&I meetings.
- SLCo Gov. Center - Room N2-800, 2001 S State St, SLC
- Zoom ID 820 8032 6845, Passcode 1953
- ◆ Area Service Committee (ASC) @ 5pm
- ↪ In-Person ONLY
- SLCo Gov. Center - Room N2-800, 2001 S State St, SLC
- ◆ Public Relations (PR) & Outreach @ 3pm
Utah Region Indoor Convention
- Friday, November 1st - Sunday, November 3rd
- Comfort Suites Ogden Conference Center,
2250 S. 1200 West, Ogden - $60 Full Reg
- $20 Pre-Reg
- $30 Banquet
- $15 per player: Addict Feud Team
- $5 Addict Feud Audience (Friday Night)
- $10 Saturday Event TBA
- FIRST 100 people to Pre-Register will receive a limited edition lapel pin. These will not be sold, this is the only way to get your pin.
- More information available at URICNA.com.
- Group Room Rate Available starting at $110/night (+ taxes & fees). Reserve your room online now to get the special pricing as the price will go up as the convention gets closer.
New Year's Eve Celebration
Renaissance Theme
- Tuesday, December 31st @ 6pm
- St. Mark's Cathedral, 231 E. 100 South, SLC
- $15 Entry
- ↪ No addict turned away due to lack of funds
- ↪ Included Dinner is mini sandwiches and charcuterie board
- 6pm: Food
- 7pm: Speaker, Mike O - Montana
- 9pm: Raffle
- 10pm: Tarot Readings, Dance
- Midnight: Fireworks!
Register Online
Service Announcements
- Group Support Requests
- ◆ Coffee at Noon (Tues. Noon, Raw Bean Coffee)
- ↪ Attendance and homegroup members
- ◆ Here to Stay (Thu. 9:30am, FTR)
- ↪ Homegroup members
- ◆ Regular Friday Night NA (Fri. 6:30pm, Redwood Rec)
- ↪ Attendance and homegroup members
- ◆ Niner ONLINE (Fri. 9pm, Zoom)
- ↪ Attendance
- ◆ Regular Saturday Morning NA (Sat. 9:30am, Redwood Rec)
- ↪ Attendance and homegroup members
- ◆ Coffee at Noon (Tues. Noon, Raw Bean Coffee)
- The Activites Chairperson position is open (1 year suggested cleantime), the ASC hopes to vote at the next ASC meeting for someone to fill in this position for the rest of the year. This committee could use support as well - more members means more activities!
- NA World Services is looking for input from members through surveys and input forms for Issue Discussion Topics (IDTs).
There is a survey on step working material as well as IDT input forms for: Gender-Neutral and Inclusive Language in NA Literature, Disruptive and Predatory Behavior, DRT/MAT as it Relates to NA, and Reimagining & Revitalizing Service Committees.
If you have opinions on these topics for NAWS to hear, you can find the Survey and IDT Input Forms on the NAWS Website here. - The Hospitals & Institutions Subcommittee (H&I) needs members willing to help facilitate meetings in the prison, jail, and treatment centers. If you're interested in helping out come to the next H&I meeting on October 20th.